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Dirty Baby

I came across this video and it was so much fun. Well, the kind of thoughts that runs through the minds of our babies when they are feeling the urge to "go" is very well captured. I have not started potty training my 15 month old yet and I guess I should pay more attention to her thoughts when she is feeling the urge. Usually she goes, stans in a corner and twitches areound when she wants to poo-poo. After that she will come running to me and hugs my feet. If I ask her did you do ayyeyye.... she will also go ayyayyee... hehe... Enjoy the video...

What is the best diet for pregnant women?

What is the best diet for pregnant women?
By: Aliceshown

There are many myths surrounding the diet for pregnant mothers. We often hear the elders of the family advising young mothers to eat enough for two individuals. Today, we know that this is not true. In fact, unbridled eating during pregnancy can make you put on a lot of weight and can make your child unnecessarily overweight. What then could be the best diet for pregnant women?

The growing fetus derives all its nourishment from its mother through the umbilical cord. Therefore, while the mother does not have to eat enough food for two individuals, it is important that she take in enough nutrients for two individuals. If the mother suffers from nutrient deficiency, this will be passed on to the child. Early nutrient deficiency can lead to a number of developmental problems in young children.

The pregnancy diet must be rich in all the vital nutrients that the body needs. Doctors recommend the intake of six to seven servings of bread and grains, two to four servings of fruit, four to six servings of vegetables, two to four servings of dairy and approximately three servings of protein every day. It is always advisable to choose food that is rich in fiber. Excellent examples include whole-grain cereals, rice, fruits and fresh green veggies.

Calcium is vital to the growth of bones and teeth. Remember to take in at least four servings of calcium rich dairy products. This will ensure that you get approximately 1200 mg of calcium every day. The diet of pregnant women should be rich in iron.

Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system of the mother and child. Important sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, papaya, green peppers and tomatoes. Vitamin A is equally important. Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, turnip, apricots and water squash contain lots of vitamin A.

An expectant mother must always take all her prescribed prenatal vitamins. These are specially devised multivitamins that compensate for any nutrient imbalances or deficiencies in the mother's diet. Generally, these contain iron, minerals, vitamins, folic acid and calcium. The deficiency of folic acid can lead to serious birth defect in babies. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits and beans are rich in natural folic acid, vitamins and iron.

Just as there are things that must be included in the diet for pregnant women, there are certain items that must be avoided during pregnancy. These include alcohol, caffeine, surplus sugar, surplus fat and raw meat. It is advisable to avoid soft cheese, and to abstain from eating shark, swordfish and mackerel which high levels of mercury in them.

Most pregnant mothers feel nausea and a depressing lack of appetite during their first trimester. At this stage, they may eat small meals throughout the day.

Many women put on a lot of weight due to the high fat, salt and sugar content in their pregnancy diet. It is true that pregnant women often go through strong cravings and sharp hunger pangs. But if you desire to keep your weight under control and shed extra pounds quickly after delivery, then, it is important to eat foods low in calories and high in nutritive value.

About the Author:Diet for Pregnant Woman - Pregnancy Planet is the only community on the web dedicated to pregnant and TTC parents. We provide week by week pregnancy information, symptoms & advice along with parenting tips & solutions, conception due date calculator, celebrity baby news, free TTC tickers & blinkies and much more.

First Aid Kit For Babies

First Aid Kit For Babies
By: C.L. Hendricks

A first aid kit for babies is something often overlooked in emergency and disaster survival preparedness. All of the prep lists advise that you include a first aid kit in your plans, however standard first aid kits rarely include supplies that babies require in an emergency situation. Pre-planning and preparing will ensure that your baby will have the emergency medical supplies should the need arise.

Standard first aid kits contain many items that can be used by people of all ages. All kits should have a thermometer, a pair of tweezers, Bandaids, gauze, surgical or medical tape, elastic bandages in multiple sizes, disposable one time use heat and cold packs, disposable medical gloves, hand sanitizer, surgical masks and small splints.

Most quality first aid kits also contain a number of over the counter medications. These include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, anti-diarrhea medicines, antihistamines and anti-vomiting preparations. However, babies are smaller and require specific OTC medicines that are prepared especially for them. Infant fever reducers and anti-diarrhea preparations are just a couple of the baby specific OTC medicines to include.

A large diaper bag can be used to create a first aid kit for babies. Not only will it hold a modified first aid kit, but it will hold all of the other items necessary for an emergency preparedness kit for your baby.

Diaper rash cream, infant sunscreen and travel size bottles of baby wash with a few baby size washcloths in a Ziploc bag will keep your baby comfortable during an emergency where bathing may be difficult. Teething gels and rings are also good to have on hand during especially during and emergency. Nose tissues and paper towels are also quite handy to keep in a first aid kit for babies.

Dehydration is a serious but preventable condition. By keeping water, formula and dry electrolyte packs in your first aid kit you can reduce the chance of dehydration. Placing bottled water in your child’s first aid kit will allow you to make safe replacement fluids or formula. By using a fluid replacement instead of plain water you can reduce the concern of dehydration. Water that is safe for drinking is difficult to find in an emergency situation.

During an emergency everyone’s stress levels will be high. Stress will also affect your baby. The baby that rarely cries may whimper or cry for no apparent reason. Infant stress may also cause gas or colic to develop. There are herbal preparations available for infants and toddlers. Catnip will relieve the pain of gas and colic while chamomile will help calm and soothe a cranky baby. Both of these preparations can be found in infant and toddler strengths. They are safe to use and do not require a doctor’s prescription. Keeping these in your baby’s first aid kit may help everyone relax during a difficult and stressful time.

Including a few days worth of disposable diapers, baby wipes and a few changes of clothing in this kit allows you to grab and go if needed. You will not need to stop and gather these items. Natural disasters are unpredictable and too often occur without warning.

Hypothermia is a condition that occurs when the body temperature drops and stays there. Footed blanket sleepers, hats, mittens, socks, long sleeve bottom snap t-shirts along with a few blankets into your baby’s first aid kit will keep your baby warm. Dressing your baby in layers will increase the baby’s ability to stay warm. Remember to include a hat along with spare clothes. This type of clothing is important even in temperate climates.

Sanitary facilities may not be available during an emergency or natural disaster. Keeping rolled plastic shopping bags, which are secured with a rubber band, will provide a sanitary way to dispose of used diapers. By placing each soiled diaper in a bag twisting and securing with the rubber band you can prevent contamination from the diaper. This practice will also reduce odor.

By planning ahead and updating your first aid kit for babies every three months, (babies grow quickly and you should change the clothing and OTC medications to fit your child’s age) you can eliminate many of the worries regarding natural disasters or emergency situations.

About the Author:C.L. Hendricks has been a Jill-of-all-trades and become an expert in some. She writes about survival preparedness and pregnancy, children, and weddings, and investment and precision casting.

What To Do About Baby Skin Rashes

What To Do About Baby Skin Rashes
By: C.L. Hendricks

Knowing what to do about baby skin rashes is often a dilemma faced by first time parents. We are all know there are few things as soft and smooth as your baby’s skin, unfortunately, even perfect baby skin will occasionally develop minor skin irritations. These cause reddening, rash, swelling, and worry for new parents.

Rest assured, most of these skin conditions will go away on their own and are nothing to be worried about. On the other hand, there are skin rashes that require minor changes such as switching laundry detergent or fabric softener. Then there are a few rashes and skin problem that will require treatment.

Normal Baby Skin Conditions Not Requiring Treatment:

* Vernix - Newborns are born with skin discolorations and occasionally a few patches of ��oevernix”, a substance that protected their skin that has the feel of cream cheese. These skin discolorations disappear within a day or two after birth.
* Birthmarks, while not rashes, often not visible at birth may appear within a few days.
* Hormonal bumps - Most babies will develop small pin prick red bumps caused by the mother’s hormones passed via the umbilical cord prior to birth. These bumps require no intervention and will go away on their own.
* Millia - Occasionally small white bumps will appear on the newborns nose and cheeks and are the result of clogged pores. It is not necessary to cleanse the area more or to try to squeeze them or apply any creams as these too will go away on their own.

Treatable Baby Skin Rashes:

* Diaper rash - something that all parents will experience at least a few times before their child no longer wears diapers.
* Heat rash is a common problem with newborns and infants who are born in late spring and summer.
* Eczema is a more serious rash and should be assessed by a physician.

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is caused by a number of different agents; allergic reactions to chemicals in disposable diapers, cleansing cloths, the detergent or fabric softener that cloth diapers are washed in; leaving soiled diapers on too long especially during warm weather; infection from a bacteria or yeast; from wearing diapers that are put on too tight restricting air flow.

Fevers and teething sometimes causes mild diaper rash. If your child is old enough to be cutting teeth check their gums for redness and slightly swollen areas. If your child feels hot or is cranky take their temperature. If the child has a fever, keep a close eye on it and call your physician if the fever persists.

One of the best things for diaper rash is exposure to the air. Whenever possible allow your child to have a bare backside. The air coupled with the lack of moisture allows the skin to repair any minor damage and will inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungus such as yeast. At the first signs of any rash apply Zinc Oxide. It soothes irritated skin while forming a waterproof barrier. A thin application works best. Keep in mind that Zinc Oxide is thick and allowing a small amount to warm in the palm of your hand will allow you to apply a thin even layer on the rash.

If the rash persists and is not getting better try changing your cleansing cloths. Some of the baby wipes have fragrances and other chemicals that may be irritating to your baby’s skin. If that doesn’t work you can try one of the following:

* if you’re using disposables try cloth diapers for a few days;
* if you’re using cloth diapers change the detergent they are washed in;
* if you’re washing your own diapers allowing them to sit in a white vinegar and water solution prior to the final rinse will also destroy any lingering bacteria or fungus;
* allowing cloth diapers to dry in the sun on a line also destroys any bacteria or fungus that may be hiding in the fabric;
* if you’re using cloth diapers do NOT use fabric softener these products are not needed.

Heat Rash

Newborns and young infants usually need the security of a blanket or sheet wrapped around them. While this is soothing it can lead to heat rash. �'Using cornstarch based baby powder helps as does a short bath in cornstarch water. Remember that powders can become airborne so protect those little lungs by placing the powder in your hand in small amounts to apply.


The big difference between this rash and normal childhood rashes is the raised, angry red splotches it causes. Baby eczema can be anywhere and is not limited to the nose like Millia, or to the diaper area as with diaper rash or to the neck, shoulders and upper back like heat rash. It will occasionally feel warm to the touch and the infant can be cranky. Eczema itches and occasionally is painful. Listen to your baby as those cries can tell you a lot. Your doctor will be able to help you determine how to best treat your baby’s eczema.

Having the products on hand to treat normal baby skin rashes before your infant is born will save you a lot of time and heartache. There is nothing more frustrating than an infant who’s uncomfortable. They cannot tell you what is wrong and parents can become overwhelmed when nothing they do comforts their child.

About the Author:C.L. Hendricks has been a Jill-of-all-trades and become an expert in some. She writes about survival preparedness and pregnancy, children, and weddings, and investment and precision casting.

Is Caffeine During Pregnancy Harmful?

Caffeine is BAD BAD and BAD.... that was what I was told when I was expecting. Although I have researched and found that a little bit of caffeine once in a while is not going to harm my baby, I kept away from it. Everytime I have a craving for coffee, especially since I am quite fond of it, I would look the other way. Well, that was a close to a strict discipline I could muster. Read on and find out more on why you should or should not avoid caffeine in you daily diet, especially when you are pregnant :)

Is Caffeine During Pregnancy Harmful?
By: Cyndra Neal

Pregnant but still craving your caffeine fix? A new study published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology may help dissuade you from reaching for a second cup of coffee. It finally answers the question of how much is too much caffeine during pregnancy.

First of all, let’s discuss why caffeine may be harmful to a developing fetus. Caffeine does cross the placenta, from mother to baby, constricts blood vessels and can inhibit blood flow. The fetus can metabolize small amounts of caffeine but very slowly which can cause a caffeine build up to dangerous levels. There is also a consensus that caffeine may affect cell development and cause birth defects. Coffee and teas contain phenols which can make it harder for your body to absorb iron.

In this new report done by Kaiser Permanente, 1000 women over two years were studied while they were pregnant. They found that over 200mg of caffeine daily doubled the chance of miscarriage. Two small cups of coffee are generally regarded as about 200mg but this is where it can get tricky to track daily caffeine consumption. The amount of caffeine in the coffee beans them-selves varies widely. Caffeine can also be found in a large variety of products from pain relievers to chocolate to sodas. Coffee ice cream and frozen yogurt can even contain significant amounts. Hot cocoa can have as much as 13mg and energy drinks can contain a whopping 71mg. Also, be careful of a substance called guarana whose seeds contain large amounts of caffeine. Two to four 12 oz sodas depending on brand (regular or diet) or 4 cups of tea can put you at the recommended limit of 200mg.

Here’s a list of caffeine amounts in every day products:

Chocolate bar 30mg

Stay-awake pill 100mg

Vivarin 200mg

Cold relief tablet 30mg

2 small cups of coffee ( 7 ounces )

Drip 115-175mg

Brewed 80-135mg

Espresso 100mg of caffeine 1 serving (1.5-2oz)

Baking Chocolate, unsweetened, Bakers--1 oz(28 g) 25mg
semi-sweet, Bakers -- 1 oz (28 g) 13mg

Choc chips Bakers -- 1/4 cup (43 g) 13mg

Chocolate bar, Cadbury -- 1 oz (28 g) 15mg

Chocolate milk 8oz 8mg

Jello Pudding Pops, Choc (47 g) 2mg

Choc mousse from Jell-O mix (95 g) 6mg

Jello choc fudge mousse (86 g) 12mg

3 Heaping teaspoons of choc powder mix 8mg

2 Tablespoons choc syrup 5mg

1 Envelope hot cocoa mix 5mg

ensure, plus, choc, Ross Labs -- 8 oz (259 g) 10mg

If you find yourself battling fatigue after cutting back on your caffeine consumption, don’t fight it" go ahead and take that nap. Pregnant women need more sleep. Taking a shower, stretching or even a glass of fruit juice may help to energize you. Herbal teas may help soothe other caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Article Source:

About the Author:
About Author:
Cyndra Neal has authored several articles on family dynamics including topics such as acid reflux and colic. She gives advice to new moms every day with babies that struggle with colic symptoms.

What to expect if baby arrives early

What to expect if baby arrives early
By: Sheila Sudlow of Cheeky Chums

Pregnancys and being prepared for baby coming on time doesn't always go to plan.many camplications can arrise during pregnancy which your body says enough is enough baby is going to come early like it or not.It isn't going to be a bed of roses thinking yippee baby can come home earlier now as pregnancy as not gone to full term. Baby in the womb for full term means baby's body is prepared for the big wide world. If baby comes early means artifical ways have to be put into place to protect baby until its little fragile body is ready for home. That's why hospitals have a special care baby unit known as the N.I.C.U.

N.I.C.U staff at the hospital can attend to baby's every need unitl it is stable enough to venture outside and eventually come home.Baby will need warmth so an artifical womb called an incubator is where baby can recieve lots of care from nurses and other specialist staff.

You may only see baby at a glance at birth then not at all for hours or the day after whilst everyting is set up and running to make baby as comfortable as possible.When you or your partner eventually see baby attached to lots of wires, tubes and monitors buzzing,you may feel upset and powerless to defend your early baby.Alarms going off every where in the room where other babies too are being looked after and monitored.

Towards the end of your pregnancy your midwife may show you around a special care baby unit but it still wont prepare you totally in the event that your baby may have to go in there after all.
Remember baby needs the best possible care and if it was left in an ordinary hospital cot it would not survive.Therefore it is only a temporary measure and you need to be strong and get support from family members to help you to cope.

Ask the hospiatal staff to let you care for baby at the earliest opportunity even if it is only stroking a little finger through the incubator windows.Expressing breast milk can give valuble antibodies to aid against infections for your tiny baby and you will feel you are doing something useful for baby whilst still inside the incubator.Even if you didnt plan to breast feed afterwards at home.So if you have a baby at 7 months be prepared for baby to be in hospital for 2 more months.Then if baby is on the mend and progresses well you could take baby home a little earlier if all is well.

In the event you need tiny baby clothes for such a small premature baby you can find all you need in the most premature of baby sizes at Cheeky Chums. The Early Baby Store,Free baby information plus more at

Are you Pregnant ? Are you prepared for baby coming early?

Are you Pregnant ? Are you prepared for baby coming early?
By: Sheila Sudlow of Cheeky Chums

Look after yourself during pregnancy your baby can arrive earlier than expected. when you are preparing your hospital bag put in a couple or at least one set in premature baby sizes. At least towards your 3rd trimester choose an outfit in size 5-8lbs.The average weight of a baby is 7.5lbs so these will fit in the case you have a smaller baby of approx 6lb plus. uk newborn sizes are cater for babies weighing up to 10lbs so it is always handy to have this size in your bag just in case. Put in a vest, baby grow, cardigan, hat, in this size and socks then at least you have them to hand just in case baby is small.

Your husband or partner can always shop online a few hours after the birth to buy more if needed. What if baby does come even earlier than expected? Did you know that doctors don't usually revive babies under 23 week’s gestation. It’s a tough decision to accept, some babies are just too poorly to live outside the womb at such an early arrival. That's why the baby in your body needs a good 9 months before it is ready to venture out into the big wide world like mummy and daddy.

It is only by the dedicated doctors, new medicines, Warm incubators, that allow such tiny infants to make it from as early as 24 weeks. Some babies need operations, breathing intervention, medicines and monitoring to be able to pull through. Some tiny babies are such fighters. It is remarkable how doctors say there is only a 10 % survival rate then they just seem to pull through quicker and easier than others.

But not all babies are the same, so look after your self by visiting your doctor, midwife and and other consultants whilst you are pregnant. If baby does arrive early you can expect the very best support and care and be a little less worried because you both will be in the right place to receive the best possible care. Cheeky chums stock all sizes in premature baby clothes in gorgeous colours styles to choose from so baby can look ever so trendy from day one. When you show off baby to all the other mums on the ward.

You will be pleased as punch knowing you thought of this early enough to plan for an unexpected early arrival. Well done mum! Visit now to choose and pack them early at

Baby Birth Emotions!

Oh that moment can be exhilerating. You have been waiting for it for almost 40 weeks. The birth of your baby. You are in pain (mothers) but that cry from your baby will fill your body with such releif that you will be searching for that small sweet face. You would have even forgotten that you are in pain! Well this article is dedicated to that special moment and the long wait.

Baby Birth Emotions
By: Jayce Daugherty
When future parents are waiting for the baby it is very exciting process to them. They are choosing the name to a toddler, they are making baby shower, they are preparing the baby’s room, they are buying clothes and all the other stuff which is necessary to a newborn child.
They are excited and worried at one and the same time, they are happy and nervous. They are marry and puzzled. Such contradictory feelings are always appearing within the future parents. However, these feelings are nothing if to compare them with the day of baby birth.

The emotions are becoming heated and it is very difficult to keep tears.

When your baby is born, start to speak with him or her, start reading the books to him other, believe me, your baby will listen to you with a great pleasure, as a toddler loves your voice.
Get ready to the fact that during the night your little angel will not give you an opportunity to have a good sleep, as he or she will be crying. Do not scream at your baby, be patient. Make a schedule with your husband and decide who and when is going to sit with the baby.

! About the Author:
Jayce Daugherty is one of the best writers being published in small internet editions. At the beginning of his career he wrote essays, writing custom essay and articles. If you are looking for some help in writing Thesis model and Students courseworks, he is the one you need

Post Partum Stress Survival Tips

Post Partum Stress Survival Tips For New Moms After Having A Baby

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Post partum is part of pregnancy. It is the 6 to 8 weeks after having a baby. For a new mom These weeks can be a very stressful, challenging and confusing for new moms. Read on for great post partum stress survival tips to make this precious new mother/child transitional period less stressful, less traumatic, easier and more enjoyable for you and your new baby.

As a midwife I put a lot of thought and effort into my pregnancy and birthing experience. My first son was born at home in a birthing pool surrounded by people I loved. But none of my midwifery knowledge prepared me for the first few weeks after having a baby. For me the post partum part of pregnancy was very stressful and physically challenging. I had a long labor; every part of my body hurt and physically I felt like a truck had ran over me. I share with you some post partum stress reducing survival tips that made the end of my second pregnancy more enjoyable.

1. Arrange help for the household chores: Believe me; you will be too exhausted to keep up with everything post partum. Don’t be afraid to ask for help during your pregnancy or request maid cleaning gift certificates as a great baby shower gift that can be used after having a baby.

2. Stock your freezer with pre-cooked meals: New moms get hungry at odd hours and it is not unusual to be too tired to cook.

3. Schedule chiropractic adjustments during the first week post partum: Pregnancy and childbirth moves many of your pelvic bones out of alignment (even if you have a cesarean section birth). Use the expertise of your chiropractor to realign your pelvis, hips and back. This will definitely reduce post partum stress and expedite your post partum recovery.

4. Have a good supply of large sanitary napkins and adult diapers in your hospital bag and at home. I am not kidding! After pregnancy new moms will experience very heavy vaginal bleeding post partum and regular sanitary towels will not do the job. Most hospitals give new moms cheap sanitary towels post partum. This will also save your bed linen from been destroyed.

5. Sleep when your baby sleeps. As a new mom post partum be prepared to be exhausted. Take every opportunity to sleep whenever your baby sleeps.

6. Don’t be afraid to cry (and don’t worry about it). Pregnancy, childbirth and post partum results in changing levels of hormones. After childbirth there is a rapid decrease in hormones that occurs approximately on the third, fifth and tenth day. These hormone adjustments can be emotionally challenging for the mother. You may cry for no apparent reason so let it out and know this is all part of a normal pregnancy post partum.

7. Supplement with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are breast-feeding safe: Every organ and system in your body is under a lot of physical stress post partum as they attempt to return to their normal non pregnancy state. High quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are safe for breast-feeding will provide the foundation to prevent post partum complications and result in an overall a better pregnancy experience.

Having a new baby is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Knowing the above plan ahead and think of ways to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ahead of time before you are all consumed with your new baby. I am a great believer in the internal health of the body for optimum health and reducing stress. I highly recommend all pregnant and new moms take a product called mangosteen and mineral. It gives you body all the vitamins and minerals it needs to cope with pregnancy and post partum stress.

I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!

About the Author:
Download FREE an AMAZING MESSAGE From A 7 Week Old Baby To Humanity. Click COOL PREGNANCY MESSAGE

Learn how energetic healing can help you cope better post partum by clicking POST PARTUM HEALING!

Great Pregnancy Coaching

Constipation and Relief during Pregnancy

Constipation In Pregnancy & Constipation Relief During Pregnancy
By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Constipation in pregnancy can cause bloating, pain and even pre term labor. Read on to see what options pregnant women have for constipation relief during pregnancy.

Constipation relief during pregnancy is a question many pregnant women ask. Approximately half of all women experience constipation in pregnancy.

Why do women get constipation in pregnancy?
The pregnancy hormone progesterone has a relaxing effect on the intestines and this slows the movement of the bowel causing pregnancy constipation.
The growing fetus needs as much vitamins, minerals and nutrients as possible. Therefore the increasing hormone levels of a pregnant woman cause food to move slower through the bowels. This results in constipation but also gives the body more time to absorb extra nutrients.

Pregnant women need extra water for the extra blood volume required for pregnancy. Therefore the mother will absorb more water from the bowel than normal which will result in a harder, dryer bowel movement resulting in constipation.
The longer food stays in the intestines, the more water is reabsorbed from the bowel into the body to accommodate for the extra blood volume required during pregnancy.
All prenatal vitamins contain iron which is known to cause constipation in pregnancy.

Constipation relief during pregnancy:
1. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of oxygen rich purified water a day.
2. Increase fiber in your diet such as whole grains and brown rice.
3. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly prunes (which can be taken via prune juice).
4. Peppermint tea or peppermint water can help with gas or bloating pains.
5. Try to reduce stress in your life as stress can cause constipation.
6. You may have to switch you prenatal vitamins over to a different brand. Even though they all have iron, some brands may be less pregnancy constipating to you than others.
7. Add a little more exercise to your daily routine. If you do not normally exercise then start with 10-15 minutes walking every day. If you routinely exercise change your exercise routine slightly to see if you can stimulate bowel activity.
8. Mangosteen juice Mangosteen juice has been shown to have a positive effect on all systems of the body including bowel mobility. Mangosteen is a fruit and is very effective in preventing pregnancy complications.
9. Consult with a homeopath for a pregnancy safe homeopathy remedy for constipation.
10. Avoid over-the-counter laxatives as they can stimulate uterine contractions resulting in miscarriage or pre-term labor.

Prevention of constipation is the best place to start. Many of my pregnant clients have experienced a constipation free pregnancy by taking mangosteen and minerals on a daily basis prior and during pregnancy. Mangosteen is present in different quantities in different products. Wondering where to get more information about a high quality mangosteen and mineral product? Mangosteen is present in different quantities in different products, so do your research.

I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!

About the Author:Download absolutely FREE an AMAZING MESSAGE From A 7 Week Old Baby To Humanity. Click COOL PREGNANCY MESSAGE
2nd FREE GIFT. Ask me, to scan any issue for you, just click "Ask Hannah" The Pregnancy Success Coach!
Great Pregnancy Coaching

Music and your baby

Slightly related to my last post on Tokophobia. Music has a lot of healing power and it can be used during your delivery. Do consult your gynae with regards to this.

Music and Your Baby
By: searchrankpros

When a baby is first born, it can be a very trying time for the parent. Most mothers I have spoken to have told me that it’s a 24 hour nonstop job to parent a new born child. I have always heard of their inability to get any rest as they tend to the many needs of their child. As soon as it seems like the baby is asleep and they feel like they too can get some rest, then out of nowhere the screaming starts again. That’s when the rocking, nursing, rubbing, or anything else they can think of begins in an attempt to get their baby to relax and go back to sleep. On often overlooked ways to calm their baby down is also one of the most effective – music!

Just as music has the ability to affect our moods in adulthood, it has the same if not more ability to do so in infants. A lot of research done by many different organizations has proved that music can benefit a baby in many different ways. A nice calming lullaby has been used for centuries to calm babies down. An upbeat energetic song can create excitement in a baby. And even classical music has been said to increase creativity in children – called the Mozart effect. With today’s technology we have the added benefit of pre-recorded music that we play in a cd player and get all these benefits for your child with the push of a button. So now you can walk into your crying baby’s room and put on a nice calming lullaby and watch your baby relax, be completely entertained, and most importantly go back to sleep. There are lullaby cds that were created just for this purpose that can be obtained from websites like SuggleandNurture. In addition to music, your babies comfort is a very important aspect of a happy baby.

A comfortable outfit in conjunction with music can put your baby in heaven and lead to a relaxing night of sleep for you and your baby. SnuggleandNurture has teamed their high quality comfortable baby outfits with a cd of relaxing lullaby music where the lullaby music cd included for free with the purchase of any one of their baby outfits. If you are looking for a way to make you baby happy, increase your child’s creative development, and to get a good night’s sleep then you will want to get the right baby outfit with the right music.

About the Author:Fern Helms owns and operates her online store SnuggleandNurture. She created this store to fill a growing need for parents of newborns to get a good night’s sleep with comfortable baby outfits and relaxing lullaby music.

Fear of having a baby; Tokophobia

The Fear of Having a Baby
By: Lyta A Humphris

Fear of having a baby is called Tokophobia, and one in six women suffer from it.

Sufferers of Tokophobia are split into two groups, and quite often starts with feelings of anxiety and terror due to early and ongoing programming concerning horrors of labour, negative anticipation created through media drama, stories of earlier births, films showing labour to be comic or very dangerous, or having had a bad experience the first time round, the more you think about it the worse the feeling of terror becomes. If you can learn to let go of the fear, use breathing and relaxation techniques, the uterus can do its work easily and comfortably, as it is meant to do, in a normal birth.

When the mother approaches labour with unresolved fear and dread, her body is already on the defensive, and the stressor hormone, catecholamine is triggered. Her body then goes into the fight or freeze response, the uterus tenses and everything slows down.

We use the uterus to birth, it's a muscle working hard, that's what its there for. The muscle needs oxygen and blood supply to work smoothly. When we become frightened, blood is directed away from the uterus, to the parts of the body involved in defence. This causes the arteries going to the uterus to tense, restricting the flow of blood and oxygen, which are vital to the functioning of the uterus. When the muscles in the uterus work against each other it causes considerable pain for the labouring mother, and her anxiety becomes worse. the uterus becomes tired, maybe we shake, and tense, and babies get tired.

So how do we overcome this?- by profound relaxation. It sounds too easy to be true doesn't it, but it is really very simple.

When the labouring mother is in a comfortable state of relaxation (not in hypnosis) the two sets of muscles work in harmony as they were meant to, and birthing occurs smoothly and easily in a normal birth.

The mother is taught that birth is natural and healthy, it is not a medical event, its about mothers and fathers and babies, and respect for their rights and wishes to bring their babies into the world in a gentle and calm way.

It's as much as philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally and spiritually, she can experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable, and often even pain free, manner. It returns to women the art of birthing in a way that allows her to summon her natural birthing instincts. Its based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be a natural accompaniment of labour.

If the mother has a very bad phobia about fear of falling pregnant, she will probably need to address the problem before taking the HypnoBirthing programme, or any Childbirth course, if she seeks the help of a good hypnotherapist who is also interested in HypnoBirthing or Natural birthing. She should overcome the fear of having a baby. It is very gentle and relaxing.

About the Author:Thousands of people suffer from a fear of having a baby every year. If you have recently been diagnosed, remove that fear when you consult with Lyta Humphris, an experienced hypnotherapist and counsellor at the Tokophobia website.

Top tips if you are trying to get pregnant

From the position to the timing to the temperature to the cold climate, you will get to hear them all if you have been trying and still are trying for a baby. Not every method will get you pregnant. What I feel is that there should be genuine love and the the mood set right that will bring about perfect harmony for a child. Enjoy your read...

Top Tips If You Are Trying To Get Pregnant
By: englishsunset

It might seem a little odd that trying to get pregnant could be stressful, but it certainly can be! You have the many uncertainties, visits to the doctor and specialists, and the well meant advice of friends and family.

All of this can add up to a lot of stress, which is couner-productive to your goal: having a baby! When my wife and I were unable to have a baby, a lot of stress was caused when our friends were all having babies and talking to us as if there was something wrong with us.

Personally, we were married for 5 years before we succeeded in having a baby. It took numerous visits to the doctor and specialists before the cause was revealed. Apparently the advice worked: we had 8 healthy and very lovely children!

Here are some useful tips on how to get pregnant (besides the obvious!):

Ignore your well-meaning friends and family. They mean well, but a lot of this advice is just not good. You can be polite and so on, but stick to sound, well-founded advice. After all, it is a human being you are creating!

Educate yourself by reading up on how to have a baby. There is a good reading list at the end of this page.

Stop smoking, if you do smoke. It would seem very obvious, but smoking can greatly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Numerous studies show that your odds can be reduced by as much as 40%! Not to mention the harmful effects of smoking on an unborn fetus and newborn baby!

Vitamin/Mineral Supplements should be used to help balance your hormones. Our stressful lifestyles can easily deplete the hormonal system, which plays a huge role in trying to conceive a baby. There are many excellent sources of natural supplements.

Have sex at the right time. Find out when your ovulation occurs and start having sex 2 or 3 days before. This is because the sperm can live inside your body for up to 5 days. You can find out when ovulation occurs by keeping track of your body temperature, checking your cervical mucus, or counting the days.

Watch your weight. Excessive dieting or obesity both can reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Dieting can wreak havoc with your hormones, thus making pregnancy more difficult. Obesity is associated with lower conception rates, and generally is unhealthy.

The missionary position is often recommended because of the deeper penetration. Other positions obviously work, but might be less effective because the sperm can flow out of the vagina. There are quite a few "old wives tales" about this one, but the missionary position makes sense.

Having a baby is a miraculous process, from beginning to end! There is nothing quite like birth: a creation from mother and father that is completely unique in this world!

Article Directory:

About Author:
Randy Hough is a parent and professional living in the beautiful Upper Valley of Vermont.
He is part of a group of parents and professionals that are passionate about helping families manage the stress of modern life. Our site is:

We offer advice and resources on some of the more difficult aspects of raising a family. Stress at work, how to get pregnant, parenting advice for single fathers and single mothers are some of our topics.

We also have a blog, which is updated frequently with very interesting topics. You can visit the blog at

Prevent work related injuries!

Day by day, the number of working mothers is increasing. Hence, the need to be extra careful. Be it physical or mental, the daily stress dose will ffect your unborn child. So do take care of yourself.

How to Prevent Work Related Injuries
By: Daniel Beasley

Workplace injuries cost both workers and businesses millions of dollars each year in lost wages, productivity and medical expenses. While not all work related injuries are preventable, both employers and employees can take steps to prevent mishaps and accidents. In order to prevent injury, all workers should follow basic workplace safety guidelines in addition to taking precautions to protect their own health and well-being.

Understand the Risks

Every job has risks and understanding these potential problems is the first step toward preventing work related injuries. On the job injuries can range widely depending on the situation, location, and nature of the job. Common injuries include head trauma, foot trauma, back injury and repetitive stress strain. In many cases, employers have basic training and prevention programs in place to help workers minimize their risk of injury. While this can go a long way in protecting the safety of employees, people also need to analyze potentially risky situations and look for ways to minimize or eliminate the problem.

Follow Safety Precautions

The vast majority of workplace injuries occur during routine tasks. In many of these cases, workers are simply so accustomed to performing the job that they neglect to follow basic safety precautions. Employees can minimize this danger by occasionally brushing up on their workplace safety knowledge, while employers can lower the danger to workers by holding refresher seminars to remind employees of safety precautions.

Work related injuries place a significant financial strain on workers and businesses alike. In order to avoid the monetary, medical and personal damages that result from accidents that occur on the job, employees and employers should both strive to prevent work related injuries. Understanding potential risks and observing basic safety precautions are two of the best ways to minimize the dangers and ensure that workers remain safe and healthy.

Litigation of any kind can be time-consuming and stressful. If you are considering legal action, a workers compensation attorney, wrongful death attorney, or construction accident attorney can help you settle your case quickly and efficiently.

Its Delivery time and I am not even Ready!

What you need to know when you are nearing delivery is to relax. Relaxation will save you, your birth partner and your delivery crew a lot of trouble. Most importantly, it will keep your baby safe. If the baby senses your discomfort and anxiety, then you can be 100% sure that you are in for a little less than aa okay delivery. Hence, it is very very very important that you keep your cool.

There are mabny options available in terms of delivery and in terms of how you face delivery. Do discuss with your doctor any insecure feelings you may have and also the various options available. Study them and do your research so that you will feel comfortable and at ease.

Expect your delivery anytime and be prepared. Pack your bags early with all your required essentials and your baby's. If your spouse is ot going home, then pack his as well. Last thing we want is to you to faint due to bad odour ;) ....

Keep reading your article for today!

What giving birth really like
By: helen

Are you expecting a baby in the next weeks? If so then you probably have lots of anxiety and worries regarding the impending birth. But try not to worry too much. Women have babies every day all over the world with some women have more than 2 or 3. So giving birth can’t be that bad if women are willing to go through it time and time again.

Some women sail through pregnancy without any problems and look and feel blooming marvellous. Other women struggle with just about every stage of pregnancy and hate the whole process. I believe a lot has to do with your frame of mind at the time. If you are happy and content with plenty of support then you should sail through your pregnancy. Obviously there are those who will struggle with morning sickness and back pain but overall it is a small price to pay for what you get at the end of it. Having a baby is the greatest joy that life bestows upon us humans.

Let me guess, you want to know about labor and the birth? Well I won’t mince my words, yes it does hurt and it hurts like nothing you could ever imagine. I have had two children; the first was by caesarean section and the other naturally. Many women are under the illusion that having a c-section is easier and less painful, well they are wrong. I would opt for a natural birth any time. However my c-section was an emergency one because my son was breach. At that time (early 90’s) they preferred you have try to have a normal birth and you certainly couldn’t opt for a c-section. I remember coming round from the operation with intense pain which I thought at the time was another contraction. As I opened my eyes and looked around I could see my baby in an incubator sleeping soundly next to me. This pain was the after pain from the operation and it was just as bad as the contractions only it didn’t get worse but just stayed the same. Once I was given pain relief the pain numbed a bit but it was still quite intense. Then there is the getting about. It is very painful to walk around, and coughing or sneezing was very painful. In comparison when I gave birth naturally to my second son the whole experience was a lot more relaxed. I had just one midwife compared to the 10’s of doctors and nurses who attending my breach birth. As soon as the baby was born the pain stopped immediately. There was no after pain except a slight stinging when going to the toilet. I was up and about the same day and felt completely fine, a much nicer experience on the whole. Also this may sound strange, but when you’re at the stage when the baby’s head moves into the vaginal opening and you are told to push as hard as you can, the actual pain you feel is pleasurable. Yes I said it, pleasurable. It is like scratching a really itchy itch or the feeling you get when pushing out a big poo! But even that doesn’t quite describe it. But it is really is pleasurable rather than painful. Then its over, the baby is out and all pain ceases.

These days you can opt for a c-section which I think is wrong. Have a caesarean is a major operation and should only be used when necessary. Women have been giving birth naturally since the beginning of time as this is how we are built. Luckily these days there are many different forms of pain killers, some more effective than others. Gas and oxygen (entonox) is inhaled through a mask or mouth piece. This doesn’t remove all the pain but it can make it more bearable. Unless you can predict when the next contraction comes it really is useless. When a contraction comes you breathe in the gas, then a few seconds or minutes later the effect takes place, which is normally when the contraction has passed. Also it just makes you feel “out of it” in your head, whereas the pain is down below! A much better form of pain relief is Pethidine. Pethidine is injected and can last for up to 4 hours. It is a type of relaxant and doesn’t really lessen the pain but just makes you relax which does help with the pain to some extent. The best form of pain relief is an epidural anaesthesia which is a special type of local anaesthetic which numbs the nerves which carry the feelings of pain from the birth canal to the brain. An epidural is normally given by an anaesthetist and is injected into the space between the bones in your spine through a thin tube. It takes around 20 minutes from the moment the anaesthetic is injected for it to work. You can then get it topped up whenever necessary as a thin tube is left in place.

Having had all of these pains relieves myself I can vouch that the best is Pethidine and Epidurals. Because my first child was born via an emergency s-section due to the baby being in breach position, I was advised to have an epidural for my second birth in case I had trouble and needed another c-section. Once you have an epidural set up it is very easy to pump a lot of anaesthetic into your body in preparation for a c-section.

Having a baby is painful, very painful, but easily forgotten. Giving birth is definitely the best experience you will ever have in your life. Once they are born the joy you get from watching them grow mature is like nothing you will ever experience again. Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world but definitely the most fulfilling.

About the Author:Carolyn is the webmaster for Pregnancy Informer, an online resource for Pregnancy Advice

Pregnancy and Fitness!

This post is dedicated to exercises for pregnant ladies!

What are the things you will need and the precautions you need to take. And adding on is the types of exercises you should attempt. Simple and to the point.
Exercise while pregnant

Don't give the excuse of being pregnant to be complacent. You need exercise now more thn ever! Not only is it good for you, it is vital for the health of the baby.
How to stay fit during pregnancy

You can get quite stiff at times during pregnancy. Especially at the neck, back and legs. Read on to find out how you can releive the stiff by stretching exercises.
How to stretch during pregnancy

You need a strong pelvic muscle if you are going for natural birth. This means you need to build it up! This will in turn hep you during birth as well as after birth as you will experience less or no leakages when you sneeze :D
How to Get Ready to Give Birth - Birthing Exercises

Swimming! I just love it! Swimming is a wonderful way to stay in shape ans your unborn child will just love it! Read on to find out how you can benefit from swimming right!
How to Swim During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Exercises: The Role of Yoga

Pregnancy Exercises: The Role of Yoga

Pregnancy is the time when every woman is motivated since she wants to do the best for herself as well as the baby. In this way, even for women who have not exercised before, pregnancy is the time to start by beginning with simple ones with stretching, relaxation, meditation and deep breathing. Thus exercises relieve simple day-to-day problems of pregnancy but precautions should be taken not to be hard and fast on exercises. Since during the first trimester, maximum number of mis-carriages take place, it is important to be extra careful and start exercising from first trimester onwards. If the pregnancy is normal and the woman can do normal activities, exercises can be carried on until the time of childbirth. Exercises should be a combination of physical and relaxation kind.

During pregnancy, a gentle way of keeping active and agile is doing yoga. The magnificent effects of yoga asanas ensure a smooth pregnancy, natural childbirth and restoration of body shape after childbirth. It also does wonders on the physical and mental development of the fetus.

Yoga has five important tools for pregnancy.

Yoga exercises: At the subtle level, exercises ensure optimum blood supply and nutrients to the developing fetus and a relatively easy childbirth.

Pranayama: This gives abundant oxygen supply to the child.

Mudras and Bandas: They have powerful effect on the reproductive organs of the woman.

Meditation: Fears conflicts and trauma, which are so common during pregnancy, can be alleviated through meditation and it also brings an inexplicable bondage between the mother and the child.

Deep relaxation: Yogic sleep is very effective for childbirth preparation as it gives mental and physical relaxation.

Following these practices gives a delightful pregnancy and a chance for the best development of the child. Yogic exercises also help in relieving fluid retention, which is quite common in the last month. It also raises the level of energy and slows down the metabolism to restore calm. Pranayama also reduces nausea and mood swings quite prevalent during the first trimester. Even in postnatal care, yoga exercises restore the uterus abdomen and pelvic floor, relieving back tension and breast discomfort.

Women who have had frequent mis-carriages and bleeding during pregnancy and who have twins or low birth weight babies are advised not to exercise. Women with frequent backache feel relieved after exercises. Of all the exercises, walking for twenty to thirty minutes is the easiest and the best because it makes the blood flows right down evenly. But exercises need to be supervised and done in a controlled manner during pregnancy.

About the Author:
The web guide on pregnancy - deals extensively with pregnancy related topics. You can find useful resources on a proper weight management during pregnancy on

Pregnancy and Sugar

Pregnancy and Sugar
By: Robin

How bad is sugar? In moderation, it can be part of a healthy diet. Sugar belongs to the carbohydrate group, which also includes starches and fibers. Natural sugars are found in fruit (in the form of fructose) and milk (as lactose). Sugar becomes a dietary culprit when it is added to other foods (usually processed items). Major sources of added sugar are those found in soft drinks, candy, pastries, cookies, ice cream, and other sweets. Although the body does not know the difference between sugar and complex carbohydrates, most sugars are referred to as "empty calories" because they provide calories but very little or no nutritional value. Satisfy your sweet tooth, but do it in moderation.

How Much Is Too Much?

The typical American diet is packed with too much sugar, and nutrition experts agree that Americans need to cut back. The idea behind a healthy pregnancy diet is to eat foods that really count toward your nutritional intake. Eating too many sugary foods means lots of extra calories and very little nutrition. Eating too many of these foods also tends to bump out the more nutritious foods that you should be choosing. Foods with lots of added sugar should only be occasional treats, not regular snacks.

Though there is no established recommended daily allowance (RDA) for sugar, you should concentrate of getting the bulk of your carbohydrates from complex sources-such as breads, rice, and pasta-and most of your simple carbohydrates from fruits and dairy products, which also contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Sweet, Sweet Food Labels

The FDA requires sugar content to be included on all nutrition facts panels. The panel lists total carbohydrates and sugar in terms of grams per serving. Sugar is part of the total carbohydrate amount that is listed. If you purchase a food with added sugar, make sure it also provides plenty of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and fiber.

When checking the ingredient labels on packaged food, you will find all types of sweeteners listed. The suffix "-ose" (fructose, sucrose, lactose) indicates that an ingredient is a form of sugar. Look for these other ingredients that indicate added sugar: brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, molasses, and raw sugar.

If you see a nutritional claim with the word "sugar" on the front of a packaged label, it is important to understand what that claim means.

About the Author:
For more Pregnancy tips. Check out the digital vaporizer and health doctor information

8 Must Haves for the New Mom and the New Born

8 Must Haves for the New Mom and the New Born
By: Kim Hart

Pregnancy is probably one of the most beautiful times in a woman's life. Gathering essential care products for both mom and baby bring a sense of comfort and ease to the stress of being a new mother.

A mom-to-be may ask: How will it change my life? What will my post pregnancy body look like? Will I be able to give my baby the best care? What are the necessary and best baby & mom products that I need to buy? What things should I have ready when the baby comes home? And so on.

To prepare for your new arrival, plan for what will take place first. From packing your overnight bag for the hospital, to making sure diapers are stocked up at home.

Being organized will make bringing home your baby stress free. Are you ready?

•Seasonal Clothing Items: Make sure that you have enough clothing for several changes throughout the day. Between eating and diaper changes, messes can be expected. Stock up on booties, socks & soft soled shoes to keep their little toes warm and prepare for seasons coming to keep up with your growing little one.
•Baby Hygiene & Skin Care Items: For Bath time - A bath basin, a big bottle each of tear free shampoo, body soap (liquid is more convenient). After Bath- Set of towels, body lotion. Diaper Change - Diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, diaper changing pads.
•Z'zzzzzz Time Items: Crib bedding set, extra set of crib sheets, pillows, blankets, swaddlers, sleeping sacks (many babies sleep very comfortably in these).
•Playtime Items: Soft items and stuffed animals can be great beginning toys and having soothing bedtime music and mobiles hanging over the crib. Reading to your baby at any age is beneficial, so having plenty of books on hand will prepare you story time for years to come. As your baby is able to touch & hold items, look for fun & educational toys.
•Diaper Bag: This is your baby survival kit. You'll take this everywhere you and your baby go. Keep it stocked with diapers, wipes, extra set of clothes, diaper rash cream, sets of colic free feeding bottles, changing pad, handy baby food (finger foods or fruit sauces), extra pacifiers (if your baby uses one) & the latest copy of baby's medical record & shots. Choose a chic & trendy diaper bag to match your style and make toting your gear fun & functional.
• Miscellaneous Baby items: Pacifiers, thermometer, nail cutter, nail filers, syringe, comb, and doctor permitted over the counter medicines for late night emergencies and video or audio baby monitors to keep a watch on your little one even when you are in another room.
•Skin Care for Moms Items: Nourish your body 2-3 times a day with ultra rich skin lotions & creams. Slather on special belly creams and body butter to help promote your skin's natural elasticity.
•Breastfeeding Items: With the arrival of your new addition you'll most likely have family and friends visiting often. A nursing cover or sling will provide you with the privacy to discreetly nurse your baby whether you're at home, with guests, or out running errands. Nursing covers can be found in beautiful fabrics & prints that will look & feel great on.

About the Author:
Kim Hart is a new mom. Her main interest is helping new moms get organized and comfortable. She suggests favorite essentials such as theHooter Hider nursing cover when running errands, staying chic with designer diaper bags and a baby sling carrier for mobility and alleviating back stress.

Pick Me Hobby

Today, I am adding a new section. First let me tell you what this and why I think it is important that we need it at PregnancyWrites.

It is realtively hard to find mothers who have breezed through pregnancy without any hassle. It is possible, but quite rare. If you are not bothered by morning sickness, you may be taunted by variscose veins. Expectant mothers.... here is the good news.... you need not be tied down with these excuses. Believe me... All you need is a little involvement in order to forget all your voes.

Some find solace in cooking... but what happens if you are not able to take in the smell of spices... hmmm... and Indian food has more spices than anything else ;) but I just love em....

Well, what I am coming to our new section .... "Pick me Hobby!" yup!... I will bring you various hobby ideas which you can pick up.. or even get yourself a new biz opprtunity. Did you know that many women turned entrprenuers after theybecame mothers!

So... browse around.... discover your hidden talents... and most importantly, keep smiling.. nothing beats a beautiful smile of a happy mother (to-be)!

Wahi ;)

Diet during Pregnancy

Diet during Pregnancy

Having good food is always important for proper body function. So, diet taken during pregnancy is very important. To become mother and giving birth to one’s own child is the biggest gift, which is bestowed upon woman on earth. It is the most precious day for all the family members. To bring a new life and to protect the child from all difficulties, diet of mother is very important. After all whatever mother will eat it is going to affect the child health.

Pregnant woman should have proper diet intake. Any compromise in the diet can be harmful in long run. Diet intake should include products related with milk like cheese, butter, soups, vegetables and fruits. Eggs and meat should be taken for child’s strong health. The effects of a woman's diet on her children start long before she becomes pregnant. Stores of fat, protein, and other nutrients built up over the years are called upon during pregnancy for fetal nourishment. It is better to keep meals small, and avoid long period without food. Drink fluids between, but not with, meals. Avoid foods that are greasy, fried or highly spiced.

During pregnancy the food intake should include Protein, good Protein sources such as soya products, beans, and grains, is good for gaining weight, which is very important. Calcium and Vitamin D they are needed for the development of the baby's bones and teeth. Iron is needed in the formation of blood for baby. Iron foods like whole grains, dried beans, tofu, and green leafy vegetables daily. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the developing fetus. Fortified foods include some breakfast cereals, some soy milks, and Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast. Foliate is needed early in pregnancy for normal neural tube development enriched bread, pasta, and cold cereal; dried beans; green leafy vegetables; and orange juice are good sources of foliate.

DHA is a type of fat that is mainly found in fatty fish. It seems to be important in the development of the brain and the retina, a part of the eye. Found in flaxseed, flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnuts, and soybeans. Pregnant woman should use iodized salt. Apart from that chart should be prepared during pregnancy:

1/2 cup oatmeal with maple syrup
1 slice whole wheat toast with fruit spread
1 cup Eden Soy Extra soy milk
1/2 cup calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice
1/2 whole wheat bagel with margarine
Veggie burger on whole wheat bun with mustard and catsup
1 cup steamed collard greens
Medium apple
1 cup Eden Soy Extra soy milk
3/4 cup ready-to-eat cereal with 1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup Eden Soy Extra soy milk
3/4 cup tofu stir-fried with 1 cup vegetables
1 cup brown rice
Medium orange

Special care should be taken during pregnancy. Apart from having good diet, the woman should always be happy. With all this birth for healthy child is possible.


About the Author: Diet down Low is your guide for quality dieting habits, providing exercising techniques, weight loss suggestions, health concerns and Recipes and food information. For more information please visit: -

Diet, Lifestyle Changes Cut Some Infertility Risk

Women grow older faster than men and they tend be irreversible. And this could be made worse if we do not take care of ourselves. This includes diet, exercise, boosting self-esteem, being confident, grooming etc. Once you are pregnant you need to be extra careful as many of the changes that happen could be irreversible and leave a un-erasable medal of honor; stretchmarks, saggy breasts etc. Even important is the helath factor even before you get pregnant.

As we have seen in the article - Are you Ready for Baby?, previously posted, we need to be responsible. Hence you will always be ready should an unexpected pregnancy occur. You will not end up blming yourself that you did not have enough folic intake prior pregnancy or that you are not healthy enough.

Diet, Lifestyle Changes Cut Some Infertility Risk

by Angela Lipsick

Women who followed at least five certain lifestyle and diet behaviors were about 80 percent less likely to have infertility from ovulatory disorders than women who followed none of the behaviors, a Harvard study concludes.

The analysis of 17,544 married women participating in the ongoing Nurses' Health Study II found those with the highest fertility scores: ate less trans fat and sugar from carbohydrates; consumed more protein from vegetables than from animals; ate more fiber and iron; took more multivitamins; had a lower body mass index (BMI); exercised for longer periods of time each day; and consumed more high-fat diary products and less low-fat diary products.

The relationship between these behaviors and reduced risk of infertility was similar for women regardless of age and whether they'd been pregnant in the past, said the Harvard School of Public Health authors of the study, which was published in the Nov. 1 issue of the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

"We analyzed what happens if you follow one, two, three, four, or more different factors. What we found was that, as women started following more of these recommendations, their risk of infertility dropped substantially for every one of the dietary and lifestyle strategies undertaken. In fact, we found a sixfold difference in ovulatory infertility risk between women following five or more low-risk dietary and lifestyle habits and those following none," lead author Jorge Chavarro, a research fellow in the school's department of nutrition, said in a prepared statement.

"The key message of this paper is that making the right dietary choices and including the right amount of physical activity in your daily life may make a large difference in your probability of becoming fertile if you are experiencing problems with ovulation," senior author Walter Willett, chair of the department of nutrition, added.

According to the researchers, infertility affects one in six couples, in the U.S. and Europe and ovulatory problems have been identified in up to 30 percent of those cases.

increase fertility with diet go to the site for more complete info on infertility and diet, getting pregnant faster.

angela lipsick

increase fertility with diet go to the site for more complete info on infertility and diet, getting pregnant faster.

Article Source: Free Articles ArticleSnatch Article Directory

When should I tell my other children that I am pregnant???

Each tot is different and you will need to del with each of them differently. Who else will be more aware of a childs feelings than the mother! Take it easy and make sure that you be as much caring and reasonable towards your child. I have noticed that when the child is gotten involved in the parenting aspect, they tend to be more helpful and understanding towards their moms.

When Should I Tell My Other Children That I Am Pregnant?

Author: Julie ann

This articles helps you in preparing to tell your other children that you are pregnant.

Your child's age will play a factor in determining how your child or children will react to your new pregnancy. For example a toddler might not understand the concept of pregnancy until they actually see the new baby when he or she is born. Sharing the news with a preschool aged child may be confusing because they may not understand why they have to wait so many months to meet their new baby brother or sister.

The news of your pregnancy may make your child feel nervous, threatened or unloved. It is important to talk to your child about how they will be a big brother or big sister, because the feelings that they are experiencing will be a normal reaction to your pregnancy. They'll notice your changing shape and overhear conversations about the pregnancy so it is important to make time for your children and to give him or her space when needed. It is also important to offer reassurance that you will provide enough love to be passed around to all of your children. Remember to wait until you are in your second trimester before spreading your news, my cousin's friend told her daughter she was expecting and a month later she miscarried. It was very difficult for her to explain to her daughter why she wouldn't be a big sister.

One friend of mine set a couple of nights aside right before her daughter was born to spend some time alone with her older daughter before the baby was born. She explained to her daughter that while the new baby, Hailey will take up a lot of her time, she still loves both of them very much and that she will make special nights for just her.

Article Source:

About the Author:

Julie ann Tomaro is a work at home mom. She owns a fun new site for Babies and Moms, featuring lots of baby & parenting information, baby photo contest and baby boards!

Are you ready for a Baby!

As we flip through papers, we are sure to come across articles that talk about unwanted pregnancies. This could be due to the error committed by the mother herself or of no responsibility of hers. However, a life has been created and no matter how much we debate on the issue, a mother will will definitely feel the burden if a decision has to be taken to abort that life. Hence, it is necessary that we be responsible citizens and caring mothers and know if we are ready for baby. Read on to see if you are redy for a baby!

Questions to See if You are Ready for a Baby

Author: Jasmine Stone

Are you a woman? If you are, have you been thinking about motherhood? If you have, you may be wondering whether or not you are ready to be a parent. While parenthood is occasionally unexpected, a large number of women and their partners plan and prepare for it. If that is the approach that you would like to take, there are a number of important factors or issues that you should first take into consideration.

Perhaps, the most important factor to take into consideration is healthcare. When pregnant, you will need to schedule regular prenatal exams. Towards the end of your pregnancy, these exams may be as common as once or twice a week. For that reason, healthcare should be taken into consideration. Do you have health insurance? If you do, does your health insurance cover pregnancy and prenatal care? If it does not or if you are uninsured, you may end up paying for the cost of your pregnancy alone.

In keeping the cost of having a child, it is also important to examine the costs after your baby is born. It is no secret that raising children is expensive. How are you currently managing, financially, now? If you are having difficultly making ends meet, you may be unable to afford the cost of a child. Of course, there are financial programs out there to assist, but you shouldn't rely too heavily on them. If you would like to have a child, it is advised that you take steps to financially prepare for doing so. These steps may involve increasing your work hours or eliminating unnecessary purchases.

Another factor that needs to be examined is your current living situation. Do you own your own home or do you rent an apartment? Regardless of whether you are a homeowner or a renter, do you have enough space for a child? If you do not, it may be a good idea to rethink your current living situation. Although many mothers like to keep their newborns in the same room with them at night, there will come a point in time where your child will need their own room. If you would like to buy a larger home or rent a larger apartment, you may want to think about doing so before you decide to become pregnant, as it may save you a considerable amount of stress.

Another issue that needs to be discussed is your partner or spouse's feelings on having a new child. Although it is more than possible for you to be a single mother, by way of a sperm donor, many women make the decision to have a child with a man that they love. Despite being more than possible to raise a child as a single parent, it is important that you seek assistance from the father. That is why the decision to have a child is one that you and your partner should make together. If you are married or if you have been with your partner for a long period of time, there is a good chance that they will be just as excited with having a baby as you are. If, at this point in time, you realize that you both have difficult goals and aspirations in life, the issue needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

When deciding if you are ready to become a mother, the above mentioned issues are all ones that should be taken into consideration. As a reminder, many women have children unexpectedly, but many take the time to plan and prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. If you would like to thoroughly examine your decision before getting pregnant, it is advised that you do so. You can research pregnancy and raising a newborn baby by speaking with your healthcare professional and other parents or by buying a collecting of birthing and parenting books, as well as by using the internet to your advantage.

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To learn about first signs of pregnancy and bleeding during pregnancy, visit Pregnancy Facts.

Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 2

This is a continuation of the last post. It is from the same article. I had split it due to the length of the content. Enjoy your read and take note of the various remedies given. I have read a lot of parenting mgazines which has given more or less similar remedies for morning sicknesses. I will update further shoiuld I come cross remedies which are not mentioned here

Morning Sickness Survival Tips. How To Reduce The Misery And Suffering From Morning Sickness......Continued from Part 1

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Here are some morning sickness remedies or morning sickness cures, that my clients have tried over the years so see which ones work for you.
Eat a few plain dry crackers 10-15 minutes before getting out of bed in the morning.

Avoid excessive toothpaste as this can aggravate morning sickness.

Eat small amount of food at a time.

Don’t mix liquids with solid foods.

Keep away from strong smells such as perfumes during early pregnancy.
Sleep if you can until the morning sickness passes.

Avoid over crowded warm places.

Sniff fresh lemons or ginger in early pregnancy, essential oils can be used as a substitute.

Drinking soda water or lemonade or watermelon can help.

Salty potato chips or salted crackers can help relieve pregnancy morning sickness.

Have a homeopathy consultation for a pregnancy morning sickness remedy.

Using sea bands for morning sickness or accupressure pregnancy safe adjustable morning sickness wrist bands has been a very effective morning sickness cure for many pregnant women.

Try some morning sickness lollipops specifically designed for pregnancy women.

Purchase a pregnancy relaxation CD to effectively communicate with your unborn child to make the energetic adjustment necessary for a more harmonious connection between the spirit of your incoming you baby and you.

Morning sickness may improve taking some Vitamin B-6, 50 mcgs daily.

Having said all of this morning sickness can be totally exhausting and take the joy away from your pregnancy. If this is your situation, then I urge you to get some help from an energy healer like myself, that can help you have an easier pregnancy.

Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 1

Morning Sickness Survival Tips. How To Reduce The Misery And Suffering From Morning Sickness.

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Morning sickness affects about 50% of pregnant women. Read on for tips on morning sickness remedies and morning sickness cures making pregnancy a little easier for you and your baby.

When does morning sickness begin?
Most cases of morning sickness begin very early in pregnancy. For some pregnant women it can start as soon as implantation occurs.

How long does morning sickness last?
Morning sickness can last from a few hours first thing in the morning to lasting all day. Some pregnant women do not get morning sickness until the middle of the day but it is still called morning sickness.

When will morning sickness end?
Morning sickness ends by about the 12th or 16 week of pregnancy. Unfortunately for some women it can persist for the duration of the pregnancy.

What does morning sickness feel like?
Morning sickness feels like been sick to you’re stomach. Sometimes you feel so sick to your stomach that you feel like you have to throw up. You may spend a while with your head over a vomit bowel and nothing comes out except you are reaching like hell. For other pregnant women they actually throw up. Some women can not hold down any food at all during morning sickness.

What Causes morning sickness?
Up until I experienced my own pregnancies, I was always taught and believed that morning sickness was either hormonal or physiological in nature. I now know differently.

It is partly true that morning sickness is due to hormonal surges but I have my own theory that I would like to share with you. As an energetic healer I had the ability to go within and understand morning sickness from a new prospective. Looking at the bigger picture, morning sickness has an energetic component. The energetic makeup or feel of the incoming spirit (your baby) may be very different from that of the mother’s. This lack of harmony between the mother’s and the baby’s energetic patterns can literally make the mother physically sick. Morning sickness remedies and morning sickness cures have helped many pregnant women from feeling so awful during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

It could be likened to this analogy. Think of someone that makes you uncomfortable when they are in your presence. Now put that person inside your body twenty-four hours a day for a few months and imagine what it would feel like. No wonder pregnant women feel sick and have morning sickness! On the other hand, some women have greater compatibility with the incoming spirit and for them, pregnancy is easier to handle.

Continued in Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 2

The Pregnancy, Food Guide Pyramid

Eating can be a chore t time when you re expecting. This is especilly true in the first trimster s your body is getting used to the hormonl changes. I am very thankful to God that I was saved from that ordeal. I could eat almost anything and morning sickness were a once in a while affair. However, I used to feel so hungry at times, even if I would have had a good meal just minutes ago.

Here is an article on eating right... hmm.. don't forget to take your folic acid!


Eating a variety of foods from all of the food groups is the best way to ensure you are getting the calories and nutrients you need. The USDA's Food Guide Pyramid is a good guideline for pregnant women; it ensures you consume the following minimum number of servings in each food group (about 2,500 calories):

9 servings from the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group. Examples of a single serving from this group include a slice of whole-wheat bread, 1/2 cup cooked cereal, half a bagel, or 1/2 cup of pasta. Be sure to include whole­grain and whole-wheat starches as well as other starches higher in fiber.

4 servings from the vegetable group. Examples of a single serving from this group include 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of other vegetables, raw or cooked, or 3/4 cup vegetable juice. Choose a variety of vegetables-the darker the color, the more nutrients a vegetable has.

3 servings from the fruit group. Examples of a single serving from this group include a medium apple, a small banana, a small orange, 1/2 cup chopped fruit, or 3/4 cup fruit juice. Choose a variety of fruits daily, as raw fruits are higher in fiber than juices.

3-4 servings from the milk, yogurt, and cheese group. Examples of a single serving from this group include 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1.5 ounces natural cheese, or 2 ounces processed cheese. Use fat-free or low-fat milk, nonfat or low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese.

6-7 ounces (2-3 servings) from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. Examples of a single serving from this group include 3 ounces poultry, fish, or lean meat; 1 ounce meat = 1/2 cup cooked dried beans, a whole egg, 1/2 cup tofu, 1/3 cup nuts, or 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Choose lean meats and trim fat from meat before cooking. With poultry, remove skin. Include cooked dry beans often as the main dish in meals.

A common pitfall to the healthy diet is skipping breakfast. When you skip breakfast, you are forcing your body to go ten to twelve hours without food-and going that long without nourishing your baby. When you are famished, it is easy to choose the wrong foods and eat too much of them, so skipping breakfast may cause you to eat more calories than you intended.

Carving Up the Calories

The calories in all the healthy foods that make up the USDA Food Guide Pyramid are made up of three basic nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These three nutrients are known as the macronutrients because we need them in larger amounts. Even though each macronutrient has a particular function in the body, they work together in partnership for good health and for a healthy pregnancy. During pregnancy, the required amounts of some of these nutrients change only slightly.

By: Robin
For more Pregnancy tips. Check out the digital vaporizer and health doctor information

Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms That Could Help Confirm Your Suspicion of Early Pregnancy.

There are many very early pregnancy symptoms and how can you tell if they are a sign of pregnancy? The more of these symptoms you have that are listed below then the higher probability there is that you are pregnant. Read through the list below and see how many of these very early pregnancy symptoms you have.

Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms:
Most pregnant women have some very early pregnancy symptoms. On the rare occasion some women have no symptoms of early pregnancy except that them miss their menstrual period. Some women are so busy in their lives that they are unaware that their menstrual period was due and forget they did not get their periods.

You missed your menstrual period could indicate you are pregnant.

You menstrual period was late and you only had some mild spotting instead of a proper menstrual flow.

You are experiencing morning sickness and/or vomiting first thing in the morning could indicate pregnancy.

Your food suddenly tastes differently and you now dislike certain foods.

You are suddenly craving certain foods is a very early symptom of pregnancy, which indicates you are depleted in minerals.

Your breasts are tender and seem to be enlarging. The brown part of your nipple (the areola) is becoming darker and bigger.

You notice your energy level is lower and you are feeling tired all the time.

You have more mood swings than normal, which can be a result of sudden hormone changes that occurs in pregnancy.

You are making more trips to the bathroom. You have NO pain associated with urination. This is a common very early urinary symptom of pregnancy.

You start to experience headaches that can be a direct effect of hormones as a symptom of early pregnancy.

Diagnosis of Pregnancy:
If you are sexually active and have one or more of the above early symptom of pregnancy then purchase a home pregnancy kit. Test your urine first thing in the morning when your urine is more concentrated to see if you are pregnant or not. These pregnancy tests are very sensitive and very accurate; a positive test means you are definitely pregnant. A negative pregnancy test may not conclusive especially if you performed it incorrectly or not testing an early morning urine sample.

Other Early Pregnancy Advice:

If you believe you are pregnant, seek medical or midwifery advice to confirm pregnancy and discuss your pregnancy plans.

If you are taking prescription medications, notify your health care provider immediately that you are pregnant to seek advice about your medication. While you are waiting for your appointment, start taking a daily multivitamin which has at least 400 micrograms of folic acid in it to prevent congenital abnormalities.

Take adequate mineral supplements to prevent pregnancy complications. Eat good nutritious food and make sure you increase your protein intake.

Stop all alcohol intake and stop smoking cigarettes or drastically reduce, your baby’s life depends on you. Also see medical or midwifery advice if you are not pregnant and you menstrual period does not come within the next month as you may have an underlying medical condition.

Pregnancy Statistics: 65% of all pregnancies are unplanned. 25% of all pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. 25% of women choose to terminate their pregnancy.

Finding out you are pregnant can be a very welcoming experience in your life or it can also be a time of tremendous stress for you. My book ”Birth, A Conscious Choice” offers amazing insights and comfort into pregnancy, miscarriage, adoption and termination of pregnancy. It is not just for pregnant women but for anyone who has had an issue with their mother or a pregnancy related trauma.

It is important that you understanding what pregnancy is like, from your baby’s viewpoint, by reading books related to making pregnancy easier for your baby. I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-week old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach
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Download absolutely FREE an AMAZING MESSAGE From A 7 Week Old Baby To Humanity. Click COOL PREGNANCY MESSAGE
2nd FREE GIFT. Ask me, to scan any issue for you, by clicking "Ask Hannah" The Pregnancy Success Coach!