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Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 2

This is a continuation of the last post. It is from the same article. I had split it due to the length of the content. Enjoy your read and take note of the various remedies given. I have read a lot of parenting mgazines which has given more or less similar remedies for morning sicknesses. I will update further shoiuld I come cross remedies which are not mentioned here

Morning Sickness Survival Tips. How To Reduce The Misery And Suffering From Morning Sickness......Continued from Part 1

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Here are some morning sickness remedies or morning sickness cures, that my clients have tried over the years so see which ones work for you.
Eat a few plain dry crackers 10-15 minutes before getting out of bed in the morning.

Avoid excessive toothpaste as this can aggravate morning sickness.

Eat small amount of food at a time.

Don’t mix liquids with solid foods.

Keep away from strong smells such as perfumes during early pregnancy.
Sleep if you can until the morning sickness passes.

Avoid over crowded warm places.

Sniff fresh lemons or ginger in early pregnancy, essential oils can be used as a substitute.

Drinking soda water or lemonade or watermelon can help.

Salty potato chips or salted crackers can help relieve pregnancy morning sickness.

Have a homeopathy consultation for a pregnancy morning sickness remedy.

Using sea bands for morning sickness or accupressure pregnancy safe adjustable morning sickness wrist bands has been a very effective morning sickness cure for many pregnant women.

Try some morning sickness lollipops specifically designed for pregnancy women.

Purchase a pregnancy relaxation CD to effectively communicate with your unborn child to make the energetic adjustment necessary for a more harmonious connection between the spirit of your incoming you baby and you.

Morning sickness may improve taking some Vitamin B-6, 50 mcgs daily.

Having said all of this morning sickness can be totally exhausting and take the joy away from your pregnancy. If this is your situation, then I urge you to get some help from an energy healer like myself, that can help you have an easier pregnancy.

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