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Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 1

Morning Sickness Survival Tips. How To Reduce The Misery And Suffering From Morning Sickness.

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Morning sickness affects about 50% of pregnant women. Read on for tips on morning sickness remedies and morning sickness cures making pregnancy a little easier for you and your baby.

When does morning sickness begin?
Most cases of morning sickness begin very early in pregnancy. For some pregnant women it can start as soon as implantation occurs.

How long does morning sickness last?
Morning sickness can last from a few hours first thing in the morning to lasting all day. Some pregnant women do not get morning sickness until the middle of the day but it is still called morning sickness.

When will morning sickness end?
Morning sickness ends by about the 12th or 16 week of pregnancy. Unfortunately for some women it can persist for the duration of the pregnancy.

What does morning sickness feel like?
Morning sickness feels like been sick to you’re stomach. Sometimes you feel so sick to your stomach that you feel like you have to throw up. You may spend a while with your head over a vomit bowel and nothing comes out except you are reaching like hell. For other pregnant women they actually throw up. Some women can not hold down any food at all during morning sickness.

What Causes morning sickness?
Up until I experienced my own pregnancies, I was always taught and believed that morning sickness was either hormonal or physiological in nature. I now know differently.

It is partly true that morning sickness is due to hormonal surges but I have my own theory that I would like to share with you. As an energetic healer I had the ability to go within and understand morning sickness from a new prospective. Looking at the bigger picture, morning sickness has an energetic component. The energetic makeup or feel of the incoming spirit (your baby) may be very different from that of the mother’s. This lack of harmony between the mother’s and the baby’s energetic patterns can literally make the mother physically sick. Morning sickness remedies and morning sickness cures have helped many pregnant women from feeling so awful during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

It could be likened to this analogy. Think of someone that makes you uncomfortable when they are in your presence. Now put that person inside your body twenty-four hours a day for a few months and imagine what it would feel like. No wonder pregnant women feel sick and have morning sickness! On the other hand, some women have greater compatibility with the incoming spirit and for them, pregnancy is easier to handle.

Continued in Morning Sickness Survival Tips Part 2

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