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What to expect if baby arrives early

What to expect if baby arrives early
By: Sheila Sudlow of Cheeky Chums

Pregnancys and being prepared for baby coming on time doesn't always go to plan.many camplications can arrise during pregnancy which your body says enough is enough baby is going to come early like it or not.It isn't going to be a bed of roses thinking yippee baby can come home earlier now as pregnancy as not gone to full term. Baby in the womb for full term means baby's body is prepared for the big wide world. If baby comes early means artifical ways have to be put into place to protect baby until its little fragile body is ready for home. That's why hospitals have a special care baby unit known as the N.I.C.U.

N.I.C.U staff at the hospital can attend to baby's every need unitl it is stable enough to venture outside and eventually come home.Baby will need warmth so an artifical womb called an incubator is where baby can recieve lots of care from nurses and other specialist staff.

You may only see baby at a glance at birth then not at all for hours or the day after whilst everyting is set up and running to make baby as comfortable as possible.When you or your partner eventually see baby attached to lots of wires, tubes and monitors buzzing,you may feel upset and powerless to defend your early baby.Alarms going off every where in the room where other babies too are being looked after and monitored.

Towards the end of your pregnancy your midwife may show you around a special care baby unit but it still wont prepare you totally in the event that your baby may have to go in there after all.
Remember baby needs the best possible care and if it was left in an ordinary hospital cot it would not survive.Therefore it is only a temporary measure and you need to be strong and get support from family members to help you to cope.

Ask the hospiatal staff to let you care for baby at the earliest opportunity even if it is only stroking a little finger through the incubator windows.Expressing breast milk can give valuble antibodies to aid against infections for your tiny baby and you will feel you are doing something useful for baby whilst still inside the incubator.Even if you didnt plan to breast feed afterwards at home.So if you have a baby at 7 months be prepared for baby to be in hospital for 2 more months.Then if baby is on the mend and progresses well you could take baby home a little earlier if all is well.

In the event you need tiny baby clothes for such a small premature baby you can find all you need in the most premature of baby sizes at Cheeky Chums. The Early Baby Store,Free baby information plus more at

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