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Baby Birth Emotions!

Oh that moment can be exhilerating. You have been waiting for it for almost 40 weeks. The birth of your baby. You are in pain (mothers) but that cry from your baby will fill your body with such releif that you will be searching for that small sweet face. You would have even forgotten that you are in pain! Well this article is dedicated to that special moment and the long wait.

Baby Birth Emotions
By: Jayce Daugherty
When future parents are waiting for the baby it is very exciting process to them. They are choosing the name to a toddler, they are making baby shower, they are preparing the baby’s room, they are buying clothes and all the other stuff which is necessary to a newborn child.
They are excited and worried at one and the same time, they are happy and nervous. They are marry and puzzled. Such contradictory feelings are always appearing within the future parents. However, these feelings are nothing if to compare them with the day of baby birth.

The emotions are becoming heated and it is very difficult to keep tears.

When your baby is born, start to speak with him or her, start reading the books to him other, believe me, your baby will listen to you with a great pleasure, as a toddler loves your voice.
Get ready to the fact that during the night your little angel will not give you an opportunity to have a good sleep, as he or she will be crying. Do not scream at your baby, be patient. Make a schedule with your husband and decide who and when is going to sit with the baby.

! About the Author:
Jayce Daugherty is one of the best writers being published in small internet editions. At the beginning of his career he wrote essays, writing custom essay and articles. If you are looking for some help in writing Thesis model and Students courseworks, he is the one you need

Post Partum Stress Survival Tips

Post Partum Stress Survival Tips For New Moms After Having A Baby

By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Post partum is part of pregnancy. It is the 6 to 8 weeks after having a baby. For a new mom These weeks can be a very stressful, challenging and confusing for new moms. Read on for great post partum stress survival tips to make this precious new mother/child transitional period less stressful, less traumatic, easier and more enjoyable for you and your new baby.

As a midwife I put a lot of thought and effort into my pregnancy and birthing experience. My first son was born at home in a birthing pool surrounded by people I loved. But none of my midwifery knowledge prepared me for the first few weeks after having a baby. For me the post partum part of pregnancy was very stressful and physically challenging. I had a long labor; every part of my body hurt and physically I felt like a truck had ran over me. I share with you some post partum stress reducing survival tips that made the end of my second pregnancy more enjoyable.

1. Arrange help for the household chores: Believe me; you will be too exhausted to keep up with everything post partum. Don’t be afraid to ask for help during your pregnancy or request maid cleaning gift certificates as a great baby shower gift that can be used after having a baby.

2. Stock your freezer with pre-cooked meals: New moms get hungry at odd hours and it is not unusual to be too tired to cook.

3. Schedule chiropractic adjustments during the first week post partum: Pregnancy and childbirth moves many of your pelvic bones out of alignment (even if you have a cesarean section birth). Use the expertise of your chiropractor to realign your pelvis, hips and back. This will definitely reduce post partum stress and expedite your post partum recovery.

4. Have a good supply of large sanitary napkins and adult diapers in your hospital bag and at home. I am not kidding! After pregnancy new moms will experience very heavy vaginal bleeding post partum and regular sanitary towels will not do the job. Most hospitals give new moms cheap sanitary towels post partum. This will also save your bed linen from been destroyed.

5. Sleep when your baby sleeps. As a new mom post partum be prepared to be exhausted. Take every opportunity to sleep whenever your baby sleeps.

6. Don’t be afraid to cry (and don’t worry about it). Pregnancy, childbirth and post partum results in changing levels of hormones. After childbirth there is a rapid decrease in hormones that occurs approximately on the third, fifth and tenth day. These hormone adjustments can be emotionally challenging for the mother. You may cry for no apparent reason so let it out and know this is all part of a normal pregnancy post partum.

7. Supplement with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are breast-feeding safe: Every organ and system in your body is under a lot of physical stress post partum as they attempt to return to their normal non pregnancy state. High quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are safe for breast-feeding will provide the foundation to prevent post partum complications and result in an overall a better pregnancy experience.

Having a new baby is a wonderful time in a woman’s life. Knowing the above plan ahead and think of ways to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ahead of time before you are all consumed with your new baby. I am a great believer in the internal health of the body for optimum health and reducing stress. I highly recommend all pregnant and new moms take a product called mangosteen and mineral. It gives you body all the vitamins and minerals it needs to cope with pregnancy and post partum stress.

I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!

About the Author:
Download FREE an AMAZING MESSAGE From A 7 Week Old Baby To Humanity. Click COOL PREGNANCY MESSAGE

Learn how energetic healing can help you cope better post partum by clicking POST PARTUM HEALING!

Great Pregnancy Coaching

Constipation and Relief during Pregnancy

Constipation In Pregnancy & Constipation Relief During Pregnancy
By: Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N. Pregnancy Success & Health Coach

Constipation in pregnancy can cause bloating, pain and even pre term labor. Read on to see what options pregnant women have for constipation relief during pregnancy.

Constipation relief during pregnancy is a question many pregnant women ask. Approximately half of all women experience constipation in pregnancy.

Why do women get constipation in pregnancy?
The pregnancy hormone progesterone has a relaxing effect on the intestines and this slows the movement of the bowel causing pregnancy constipation.
The growing fetus needs as much vitamins, minerals and nutrients as possible. Therefore the increasing hormone levels of a pregnant woman cause food to move slower through the bowels. This results in constipation but also gives the body more time to absorb extra nutrients.

Pregnant women need extra water for the extra blood volume required for pregnancy. Therefore the mother will absorb more water from the bowel than normal which will result in a harder, dryer bowel movement resulting in constipation.
The longer food stays in the intestines, the more water is reabsorbed from the bowel into the body to accommodate for the extra blood volume required during pregnancy.
All prenatal vitamins contain iron which is known to cause constipation in pregnancy.

Constipation relief during pregnancy:
1. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of oxygen rich purified water a day.
2. Increase fiber in your diet such as whole grains and brown rice.
3. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly prunes (which can be taken via prune juice).
4. Peppermint tea or peppermint water can help with gas or bloating pains.
5. Try to reduce stress in your life as stress can cause constipation.
6. You may have to switch you prenatal vitamins over to a different brand. Even though they all have iron, some brands may be less pregnancy constipating to you than others.
7. Add a little more exercise to your daily routine. If you do not normally exercise then start with 10-15 minutes walking every day. If you routinely exercise change your exercise routine slightly to see if you can stimulate bowel activity.
8. Mangosteen juice Mangosteen juice has been shown to have a positive effect on all systems of the body including bowel mobility. Mangosteen is a fruit and is very effective in preventing pregnancy complications.
9. Consult with a homeopath for a pregnancy safe homeopathy remedy for constipation.
10. Avoid over-the-counter laxatives as they can stimulate uterine contractions resulting in miscarriage or pre-term labor.

Prevention of constipation is the best place to start. Many of my pregnant clients have experienced a constipation free pregnancy by taking mangosteen and minerals on a daily basis prior and during pregnancy. Mangosteen is present in different quantities in different products. Wondering where to get more information about a high quality mangosteen and mineral product? Mangosteen is present in different quantities in different products, so do your research.

I urge you to act at once. Read for yourself, an amazing message for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly, he was seven weeks old! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Read it! Enjoy it! Share it!

About the Author:Download absolutely FREE an AMAZING MESSAGE From A 7 Week Old Baby To Humanity. Click COOL PREGNANCY MESSAGE
2nd FREE GIFT. Ask me, to scan any issue for you, just click "Ask Hannah" The Pregnancy Success Coach!
Great Pregnancy Coaching

Music and your baby

Slightly related to my last post on Tokophobia. Music has a lot of healing power and it can be used during your delivery. Do consult your gynae with regards to this.

Music and Your Baby
By: searchrankpros

When a baby is first born, it can be a very trying time for the parent. Most mothers I have spoken to have told me that it’s a 24 hour nonstop job to parent a new born child. I have always heard of their inability to get any rest as they tend to the many needs of their child. As soon as it seems like the baby is asleep and they feel like they too can get some rest, then out of nowhere the screaming starts again. That’s when the rocking, nursing, rubbing, or anything else they can think of begins in an attempt to get their baby to relax and go back to sleep. On often overlooked ways to calm their baby down is also one of the most effective – music!

Just as music has the ability to affect our moods in adulthood, it has the same if not more ability to do so in infants. A lot of research done by many different organizations has proved that music can benefit a baby in many different ways. A nice calming lullaby has been used for centuries to calm babies down. An upbeat energetic song can create excitement in a baby. And even classical music has been said to increase creativity in children – called the Mozart effect. With today’s technology we have the added benefit of pre-recorded music that we play in a cd player and get all these benefits for your child with the push of a button. So now you can walk into your crying baby’s room and put on a nice calming lullaby and watch your baby relax, be completely entertained, and most importantly go back to sleep. There are lullaby cds that were created just for this purpose that can be obtained from websites like SuggleandNurture. In addition to music, your babies comfort is a very important aspect of a happy baby.

A comfortable outfit in conjunction with music can put your baby in heaven and lead to a relaxing night of sleep for you and your baby. SnuggleandNurture has teamed their high quality comfortable baby outfits with a cd of relaxing lullaby music where the lullaby music cd included for free with the purchase of any one of their baby outfits. If you are looking for a way to make you baby happy, increase your child’s creative development, and to get a good night’s sleep then you will want to get the right baby outfit with the right music.

About the Author:Fern Helms owns and operates her online store SnuggleandNurture. She created this store to fill a growing need for parents of newborns to get a good night’s sleep with comfortable baby outfits and relaxing lullaby music.

Fear of having a baby; Tokophobia

The Fear of Having a Baby
By: Lyta A Humphris

Fear of having a baby is called Tokophobia, and one in six women suffer from it.

Sufferers of Tokophobia are split into two groups, and quite often starts with feelings of anxiety and terror due to early and ongoing programming concerning horrors of labour, negative anticipation created through media drama, stories of earlier births, films showing labour to be comic or very dangerous, or having had a bad experience the first time round, the more you think about it the worse the feeling of terror becomes. If you can learn to let go of the fear, use breathing and relaxation techniques, the uterus can do its work easily and comfortably, as it is meant to do, in a normal birth.

When the mother approaches labour with unresolved fear and dread, her body is already on the defensive, and the stressor hormone, catecholamine is triggered. Her body then goes into the fight or freeze response, the uterus tenses and everything slows down.

We use the uterus to birth, it's a muscle working hard, that's what its there for. The muscle needs oxygen and blood supply to work smoothly. When we become frightened, blood is directed away from the uterus, to the parts of the body involved in defence. This causes the arteries going to the uterus to tense, restricting the flow of blood and oxygen, which are vital to the functioning of the uterus. When the muscles in the uterus work against each other it causes considerable pain for the labouring mother, and her anxiety becomes worse. the uterus becomes tired, maybe we shake, and tense, and babies get tired.

So how do we overcome this?- by profound relaxation. It sounds too easy to be true doesn't it, but it is really very simple.

When the labouring mother is in a comfortable state of relaxation (not in hypnosis) the two sets of muscles work in harmony as they were meant to, and birthing occurs smoothly and easily in a normal birth.

The mother is taught that birth is natural and healthy, it is not a medical event, its about mothers and fathers and babies, and respect for their rights and wishes to bring their babies into the world in a gentle and calm way.

It's as much as philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally and spiritually, she can experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable, and often even pain free, manner. It returns to women the art of birthing in a way that allows her to summon her natural birthing instincts. Its based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be a natural accompaniment of labour.

If the mother has a very bad phobia about fear of falling pregnant, she will probably need to address the problem before taking the HypnoBirthing programme, or any Childbirth course, if she seeks the help of a good hypnotherapist who is also interested in HypnoBirthing or Natural birthing. She should overcome the fear of having a baby. It is very gentle and relaxing.

About the Author:Thousands of people suffer from a fear of having a baby every year. If you have recently been diagnosed, remove that fear when you consult with Lyta Humphris, an experienced hypnotherapist and counsellor at the Tokophobia website.